Thursday, September 11, 2008

#23 of 23 Things

WOW!! I did it!! It took me two times, but I did it. I have to admit I rushed through the last 4 or 5 to get done, so I will definitely go back and look at those closer. This was so fun and educational. I really learned alot about different tools on the web. I enough impressed my daughter and some of things I learned and that is pretty good when you can impress a college student about something on the computer! Ha! Well, like I said I will definietely use these tools and I will go back and look some of the Things closer. Thank you to everyone involved.

#22 of 23 Things

I found this whole experience very educational. I already use some of the tools every day and others from time to time. I will definitely go back and look at all of the 23 Things again. Some of the tools I will use for personel use and some for work. This was really all very fun.

#21 of 23 Things

I joined Gather and Ning, I was already a member of Web Junction. I really liked Ning. I joined the 23 Things on A Stick group. I think I will go back to this often and join in conversations, etc. And also see how everyone else did on this 23 Things and what they thought about it.

D Lorraine K 23

View my page on 23 Things on a Stick

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#20 of 23 Things

I have set up accounts on MySpace and Facebook. I go to Facebook almost everyday. My contacts/friends are my daughter and her friends and also some of my son's friends. I use it for personel reasons to keep up with everything. I also went to some library groups on Facebook, did not join. I had a MySpace page before, but could not get back in - so set up a new name and low and behold it found my old one. I do not go to or use MySpace very much, as you can tell, I forgot the name. I do not know if these sites would work well in a library or not. Maybe if I knew a little more about each site, they may work. I have not looked at these sites in depth. These sites and fun to play around with and a good way to keep in touch with people you do not see very often.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

#19 of 23 Things

I checked out Yahoo Podcasts and They were both easy to search for what I was looking for. I did have problems trying to get CNN podcast downloaded to by blog, so I just gave up, spent too much time on it. I did sign up for and know they will send me emails and updates, etc. I think I will use this from time to time and may explore into it a bit further. This one was also fun.

#18 of 23 Things

I looked at YouTube and Yahoo videos and Google videos. I thought they were all OK sites, as far as searching for what I wanted to look at. I downloaded the pandas just because I like pandas. They are so cute. I think you could use learning videos on library web sites. Make your own video about your library and put it on your web page. I think you could videos for almost any reason on your school/public library web sites. This Thind was fun.

Panda video

#17 of 23 Things

I have worked with ELM many times. I have gone to workshops that they have put on. It is a wonderful site to find anything you need. Great for students working on papers for school. Or just to find information in general. I use this site from time to time. It is great!

#16 of 23 Things

I think this would be wonderful for teachers and students. Help get everything organized and keep track of the timeline for when it is due. I would pass this information on to my daughter in college. I think she would love it. I also, think you could use this in the Public libraries, alot of students and teachers use the Public libraries as well as the school libraries. I will come back look at this again.

#15 of 23 Things

I am not very good at games on-line or video games. So this one was hard for me. I did set up an account on Second Life and walked around for a while. Just trying to walk around was hard for me. It took a while to down load it on my computer and was very slow as I was in the game. I am not sure how this would work in libraries. I hope to come back to this again and see if I can get it to work better for me.

Monday, September 8, 2008

#14 of 23 Things

I set up an account on LibraryThing. I did a little exploreing through the site. I could see where this would be a wonderful site for librarians and avid readers. I may go back to this site and look at it more after my 23 Things are done and add more to my account.